Paddeling school
From the age of 8, you can discover canoeing and kayaking at our paddeling school. Your first experiences paddling will be done in a group filled with young eager learners. You will progress quickly through a multitude of games and exercices.
Paddeling school is also a school for life: : learning to live together, in a group, helping and supportig each other, surpassing oneself, learning to live in nature and respecting our environment...
- 2 training sessions per week
- multisports in the winter
- training camps during the vacations
Athlets group
Wildwater canoeing is our discipline of choice. The rule is simple: get from one point to another as fast as possible. It is practiced on a class I to IV whitewater venue depending on the level of the competition.
For more than 20 years, we have been in the Top 10 of French clubs.
- up to 6 traning sessions per week
- training camps during the vacations
- competitions troughout France
- surpassing oneself
Group for adults
Adults from all ages and levels come together all year long. The group is focused on conviviality and progressing together. They take trips on different alsacian rivers and improve their physical condition through muscle building during winter.
- conviviality
- pleasure
- health
Specialists have recommended canoeing and kayaking to :
- improve the quality of life
- optimize the efficiency of certain drugs
- to act against certain pathologies like type 2 diabetes, obesity or after breast cancer...
Our instructors
Xavier Bagot
Éducateur Sportif BE 2nd degré Canoë-kayak, Maître nageur sauveteur (BEESAN) et Accompagnateur en Moyenne Montagne
Antoine Lamielle
Federal canoe and kayak instructor
Pagaies Couleurs
Professional qualification
Federal canoe and kayak instructor
Pagaies Couleurs
Professional qualification
Laura Fontaine
Federal canoe and kayak instructor
Pagaies Couleurs
Professional qualification
Raphaël Quenault
Federal canoe and kayak instructor
Pagaies Couleurs
Professional qualification
Federal canoe and kayak instructor
Pagaies Couleurs
Professional qualification
Federal canoe and kayak instructor
Pagaies Couleurs
Professional qualification
L’adhésion à l’association est valide du 1er January to the 31rst December (to follow federal functioning). For the newcomers in September it is possible to take an additional 4 months supplement. A medical certificate attesting the ability to do sport is necessary.
Still not convinced to enroll yourself for a whole year ? Come and participate for free at the first session in September and make your decision after that.